Shot on iPhone winners announced...

Apple introduced a challenge to share great shots taken with iPhone at the end of January 2019.

Apple is kicking off 2019 by celebrating the most stunning photographs captured on iPhone, the world’s most popular camera, by inviting iPhone users to submit their best shots.
From January 22 to February 7, Apple is looking for outstanding photographs for a Shot on iPhone Challenge. A panel of judges will review worldwide submissions and select 10 winning photos, to be announced in February. The winning photos will be featured on billboards in select cities, Apple retail stores and online.

The winners can be found here or by clicking on the image included in this post.

I chose the tennis court image as one of my favorites as I was thrilled that Apple and the judges also chose images that were of taken as part of “every day life”. That seems in keeping with my intent for this site. That is to say… paying attention and being present.

Kudos to Apple and the judges for not taking the easy road and simply choosing shots of spectacular places… but for choosing shots that not only reflected the quality of the camera in the iPhone… but the quality of the vision of the photographer as well.