Summer Camping…


I spent half of July and all of August camping at state parks in Texas this summer. Each weekend was spent in a different park and one I had never visited before. The idea was to get away from work and stress in the big city and do some solo camping, find some solitude in nature, scout locations for future trips with my daughter, and to take my camera and hike.

Despite the Texas heat, I found it very meditative and rejuvenating. The camping gear was minimal. A tent, a stove, a cooler, comfy camp chair etc. Because of the heat, I always chose a site with electricity and either shade or a screen shelter. Electricity for a fan and a shelter to make sure I did not get rained out.

Gear on the camera side… just my Olympus PenF and a couple of lenses. I have the EZ 14-42mm pancake lens which makes this a completely pocketable camera. I have a 17mm prime and a 42-150mm zoom. With a good pair of cargo shorts … I can fit all this in pockets and don’t have t carry a camera bag on my hikes. I also had a small tripod for some long exposers at night.

Here are just a few of the images I took. I especially loved that the deer seemed to stop and “pose” for the shot. Almost to say… “taking my time here… are you done yet?”

Check my instagram for more of the summer camping series.

All in all, it was a great summer. I am not sure what I enjoyed more… the photography and discovery on my park hikes or the smell of coffee, eggs and sausage on the camp stove each morning at sunrise.